(Originally published September 7th, 2017)
This is a story has been waiting to be told for sometime. With the community so strongly embracing Gemini’s and it’s existence feeling more assured I feel like it is time. Many of these details were forgotten and just recently rediscovered in journals and writings long tucked away. As Gemini’s rounds out it’s third year of existence I’ve been doing a lot of introspection and assessing where the shop is and where I want it to go. Reviewing old writings has validated the power of manifestation. Gemini’s Eclectic Emporium is a vision who’s seeds were planted many years ago and that will continue to unfold for many years. Part of that vision is encouraging others to do the same; hopefully this story informs or inspires in that vein.
The core dream began with Stephanie and Jimi Campsey’s travels in 2003-2004. When our oldest son Zavier (now 13) was 10 months old we “dropped out” for most of a year; living out of a van and trailer while exploring intentional communities, Rainbow Gatherings, music festivals and following synchronicities throughout the Eastern US. On those adventures we were inspired by what seemed like a new world of interesting people doing interesting things. Artists, back-to-the-landers, political outcasts and social deviants of all kinds!

We were looking for a place in the world – in purpose and locale. Elements started to come together into the concept of a “shop” of some kind. There was also a concept for a healing tent that would travel around, providing a safe and nurturing ambiance with a range of body and sound healing services. Several different mind maps and sketches were written out and in some these ideas were blended. This time spent finding ourselves and just thinking about what we wanted to do was critical. Writing them down and keeping them simmering turned out being very important I believe. Don’t give up on your vision even when the path forward seems unworkable in the moment. Complex things must gestate before being born.

The vision was formed but we were not ready to make it happen. The traveling life was amazing but not financially sustainable as a young family. Instead of the needed capital or credit to get a shop off the ground, we had a stack of student loans and a bit of maturation to do. We settled back in Ohio with a new found habit for rambling. Frequent weekend travels continued as we added two boys to the mix and worked to disappear those student loans. I attended business school, massage school and studied many of the subjects that are now represented in Gemini’s.

I sketched this picture on Aug 30th 2006. My current landlord closed on the building 15 days later!!! An extra floor and slightly misplaced windows on the sketch but I won’t complain – thank you Universe! I had completely forgotten about this until finding it 5 weeks ago; I’ve been in this building almost 2 years now. “To manifest: a multi-front, multi-floor commercial building. Organic Cafe/chill spot – art, handmade crafts, fair trade imports, massage/yoga, art studio space, hostel style dorms, raised bed gardens on the roof” The bulk of this is already happening with a gallery/studio space coming soon in the basement. A hostel would be a wonderful addition to downtown with the interstate passing through so perhaps one day!

Fast forward to Spring of 2014. After managing dialysis clinics for a few years the student loans were gone. Increasingly so was spare time. Shorter staffing and more clinics made the hours longer and family time shorter. Little league games were being missed and blood pressure issues created. I felt my soul was being sucked dry! I realized the nice salary was not worth the trade-offs and made the decision to resign. The summer was spent recharging and reassessing where to go in life. Before long the dream of a shop reemerged and that fall Gemini’s Eclectic Emporium was born.

Stephanie has since followed her heart to other vistas. Most of the day-to-day operations and development has thus been the work of Jimi but Stephanie should always be honored as Midwife and Doula to Gemini’s Eclectic Emporium. She gestated and birthed 3 beautiful boys while I supported. I gestated and birthed 1 beautiful shop while she supported. The symmetry of life is wild sometimes, no?

I hope this story inspires some to not just dream, but to nurture and pursue those dreams. Can’t afford it now? Don’t have the skills? Write down what you want then make a plan to pursue it. If your journey is like mine you’ll have moments where you feel crazy, foolish or hopeless. You’ll obsess for weeks and then forget for months. It is all part of the process. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for so get out there and be what you wanna see!